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Fri: 9:00am - 2:00pm

Gynaecological Ultrasound

Pelvic Ultrasound in Gynaecology

Ultrasound has been used for decades to assess the health of the female pelvic organs – mainly the uterus, and ovaries.

Vaginal Ultrasound

Gynaecological ultrasound examination usually requires a vaginal scan.  A narrow ultrasound probe is placed in the vagina to optimize views of the internal organs. An empty bladder is best for a vaginal scan.

A vaginal scan can be performed at any time of the menstrual cycle, although our preference is to perform it just after the period has finished.

Abdominal Ultrasound

If you have never had sexual intercourse then your scan will most likely be an abdominal scan with a full bladder. Please discuss with Fenelon Falls Diagnostic staff when booking your ultrasound.  You will need to attend with a full bladder if an abdominal scan is best for you.